Laura Stamer

Newsletter 23.02.2025

Newsletter April 2013

It might as well be spring

Spring is here and with that comes plenty of daylight – one of the most essential elements of architectural photography.

STAMERS KONTOR specializes in genuine photographic representations of spaces and people. To get a sense of that please browse through some of the featured client projects in this newsletter.

DTU — 324: The assignment was to document the building process and to portray student life and environment within DTU’s brand new campus building 324, a unique facility for modern learning and research designed by Christensen & Co.

UNBELIEVABLE: Photographic documentation of an exhibition is memory as much as it is certification. From the client, the Royal Library, the task was clear: Capture the atmosphere and communicate a personal experience.

Siemens Headquarter: On behalf of VELUX, I followed the installation process of the company’s Modular Skylights at Siemens’ Danish headquarter. In this project my work becomes part process documentation part showcase for the client’s products.

ARKFO Blog: To engage in the discussion on architectural photography I contribute to the blog. My latest posts are a series of interviews with some of my talented colleagues who each share their visions and thoughts on the subject and personal approach to their work. Visit the ARKFO BLOG.

KE13: This year Kunstnernes Efterårsudstilling celebrates its 113th season as a front driver for new Danish art and I’m honored to be a Member of the KE13 Board. Visit KE13.

New Website: With help from the talented people at b14 I spend time building a new online home for STAMERS KONTOR. Please visit the new site to get an insight into the way I work with my clients and the type of assignments I solve. Visit the new STAMERS KONTOR.

If you feel inspired by my work, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I hope you will have plenty of chances to catch the daylight – for work or for play.

Laura Stamer


New Projects


DTU — 324


Siemens Headquarter

Portraits of Julie Lützen





Wood Wood



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